Page:: Constructor()

This initializes a new instance of the page class. Where super keyword is used to access and call function in an object's parent.


The page constructor has four main arguments.

a. This is the page known as crud that references the same page as the main page.

b. The entity name associated with the records being administered.

c. The table-head(th) operations permitted to be performed on the crud page.

d. This argument represents the primary key and its position from where the administration was initiated. This
selection helps determine the offset/location of the displayed records. It contains :- - the primary key. - the original position that's used for updating the original table-data(td) using the obtained crud result.


Mother is the super class, and calls a html page "crud" which is has to return a value as a null value is not allowed.

For debugging purposes we'll use the identifier specified below .

Carry out a save of the verbs if they are not empty else perform a save for all the possible cases

Save this as the current crud page for use in expressing event listeners on the crud page.

Finally set the theme panel to display when this page is administered. Also pass any crud selection from the caller if there are any.