2024 Mutall Databases
# Name ID Description Is-primary Developer Comments
1 mutall_chama chama Database that manages and supports services that enables real time communication between two or more people, or even a group. An example of such services is chama services Peter The database is actively running, and has a number of entities as well as its relationships
2 mutall_ranix ranix Database facility that supports and manages systems for monitoring movement of vehicles within a parking area, such as car-pack/ranics services Peter The database is functioning properly, having seven entities and eleven relationships
3 mutall_balansys balansys Database that keep track of business particularly in receipts and stock control in Mutall business, like balansys services Benerd Muli The database is still under development, but so far it has one entitiy
4 metavisuo metavisuo A facility that supports and controls how people view different datamodels for any specified project. Metavisuo is one of such services James Mogaka This database is functional, though it is being updated time and again depending on the increased demand on the management of the various databases. It has three entities, that is, entitiy, database and attribute
5 mutall_rental rental An older version of mutallco_rental Mr. Muraya, James Mogaka and Benard Muli As would be mentioned, this database is an older iteration of the mutallco_rental database. Therefore it has the same functions as the mutallco_rental, but the difference lies in some modification and updates to the newer version
6 mutall_users users Database supporting users of all users under the name space of mutall(supporting services like registration) Mr. Muraya Like mutall_rental, mutall_users is also much useful to the mutall business as it serves all the users under the company. It too has a good number of entities and relationships
7 mutallco_rental rental A database that controls how invoices are generated for the clients of Mutall business. An example of such service is rental services. This is an updated version of mutall_rental Mr. Muraya, James Mogaka, Benerd Muli and Peter As the newer version of the mutall_rentall, this database is one of the most used database in the company, as it serves to control invoices generated for the clients of mutall business. mutall_rental has quite a good number of entities and their respective relationships
8 pos pos A point of sale system for diaspora gardens(supporting POSTEK) Benerd Muli This database is still under development, but currently it has like eleven entities and their relationships, as shown in the metavisuo.
9 sys3 kentionary This is a database that controls and manages kentionary services, i.e services that translates the local Kenyan languages Daniel Kanio This database system is not fully functional yet. It is incomplete and still under development. Currently it has no relationships
10 tracker_mogaka tracker A database that keeps track on the presentations done during the morning session, ensuring that assignments are followed keenly and also the that members are doing at the moment. Tracker is one of the softwares that are found in this database James Mogaka The database is running, having seven entities and six relationships. This, as indicated in the 'Is-primary' colum is the main tracker among the trackers that the company has
11 tracker_mogaka_old tracker This is an outdated iteration of the current version James Mogaka Having the same function as its newer iteration mentioned earlier, the difference of course is are the features that have been modified from this old iteration to the new one
12 mutall_contribution contribution A system where contribution is made for the purposes of funding the group, or maybe when any casuality has happen to any of the member of the group George Kang'ara The database is running, consisting of eight entities and nine relationships
13 mutall_imagery imagery Is a facility that manages and controls how images are uploaded on the server Chris and George Kang'ara The database is functional, though it is still under development. Currently it has only one entitiy
14 mutall_mashamba mashamba A database that manages systems that automates a surveyors office, keeps track on mutations of land, the process of land allocation, land surveying and other land-related issues James Kibe This database is in operation, though now having six entities and five relationships
15 mutall_mlima mlima A facility that manages how friends of ngong hills interact by means of chatting. Simon and Kevin It is in operation, consisting of only one entitiy
16 oritech contribution A database that keeps track on payments by clients against the time they paid. The database works hand in hand with mutall_contribution. It supports the Oritech software George Kang'ara and Mwaniki The database is still under development. It has eight entities and seven relationships. SOme of the entities like installation and equipment have zeo entries
17 school school Its an exam system that helps teachers keep track on students' results Isaac and Stella The database is now complete, currently waiting for it's proper application in a school set up
18 tracker_muraya tracker Is a database that functions with the same purpose as the tracker_mogaka, but this one's developer id Mr. Muraya Mr. Muraya The database is complete, currently waiting for its application for the tracker services
19 tracker_sharon tracker Is a tracker database whose developer was Sharon. Sharon There are some erros that are experienced in this database, like in the table contribution, where there are two errors, both primary contribution and table copy have an error,two error in table file, an error in primary file, two errors in both table minute and table portfolio and an error in table presentation
20 mutallco_rental_backup_2024-05-04 rental This is a backup database for mutallco_rental which was created on 4th May, 2024 Mr. Muraya, James Mogaka, Benerd Muli and Peter Being a backup for the mutallco_rental database, this system is functional and has quite a good number of entities and thire relationships
21 mutallco_rental_backup_22_01_24 rental This is a backup database for mutallco_rental which was created on the 22nd January, 2024 Mr. Muraya, James Mogaka, Benerd Muli and Peter Functionally equal to the above backup
22 mutallco_rental_backup_May_05_03 rental This too is a backup database for mutallco_rental that was created on 5th March 2024 Mr. Muraya, James Mogaka, Benerd Muli and Peter Thi one also is the same functionally as the other mutallco_rental backups
Developed by Juma Emmanuel,Contact me @ijuma3760@gmail.com