hello there,

I'm Ndichu James Kiberenge

I’m a Web Designer & Developer, Photographer
based in Nairobi, Kenya.

About me.

Front-End Developer with a passion for creating visually stunning websites and a unique perspective as a skilled photographer.
Constantly striving to improve skills and deliver user-centered designs through new challenges.

Lets Connect:

github linkedin instagram google

Plans for the Year

My plans for the first quarter of the year, is to have atleast one fully working website, this will aid improving my front end skills by making responsive website using Javascript, practice working with databases and familiarize myself with back-end languages

  1. Journal


    1. Track your daily emotions & activities, where you can also reflect on them
    2. Keep track of your milestones
    3. Set goals and track how the journey is going
    4. Plan your day/week/month

    Core items for the website

    1. User Registration & Login:
    2. Journal Entry:
    3. Prompts & Questions:
    4. Privacy & Security:
    5. Backup & Export:
    6. Notifications:
    7. User Profile:

  2. FitnessTracker


    1. Track your session sets and reps.
    2. Have a progree chart to see your progress
    3. track you body weight, height, and various body parts

  3. Dev tools
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. Javascript
    1. Javascript/Typescript
    2. PHP
    Database Side
    1. MySql
