AGENDA 1.Review last Session 2.Review Models/class model 3.Address todo(selected) 4.Service development 5.House keeping(apoint officials for next session,planning, and AOB's). Min.1.Previous session minutes were read by Kimotho. min2.Data Model Review Minutes 2.1.Rename the mutallco_login data model to Mutallco_user. 2.2.Lawrence to add link between the application and services data models in metavisuo. 2.3.Lawrence to also add status and version number fields to the app class.Also to add Is_available field to the service class. 2.4.Lawrence to make sure tracker data model can properly run on mutallda and also test metavisuo on all servers. 2.5.Mose to assist Alias to set up netbeans to be ale to save data models directly to server foe easier access 2.6.We also discussed that tracker system to consider expansion to be able to run/provide room for storing and accessing agenda and mins. 2.7.We also discussed that we should be able to register applications automatically through the information schema. 2.8.We should add is_available field in the service class to show services available to registed or logged in user. 2.9.Free services to made available to level two registration 2.10.There was a suggestion from Mr.Muraya that the login is actually the user and brought to our attention the Duck-typing method in programming. 2.11.We are also to define exactly what a user is and there was also an observation about user attributes and login both seamed to define the same thing. Min3.Address todos 3.1.Mr.Lawrence to explain to the group how he approached the JSON for preparing data sets and also show the group to write to the database through a user inetrface. 3.2.We also discussed that this could also be achieved by use of javex which is under development by mr.Lantei. 3.3.Elias was tasked to print the Login data model and pin it on the whited board. 3.4.Solomom was given the task to collect and group all the needed templates to one location. 3.5.Kibet was given task of giving an id to the service template. Min4.Service development 4.1.We continued with the brethe first method and reviewed the user_welcome.We recovered the lost code and we started cleaning the previous session code and we discovered that the load_page method can be used for both visitor and user 4.2.We also moved the load_page to the app rather than the user.And we also decided its appropriate to welcome user at the app level. 4.3.We also painted the welcome message on the homepage and also painted the services available which would be from the service template. 4.4.we also came across error 7053 where we learnt about the correct type for indexing config which are called keys in general. we also got introduced to keys of config which is a better way of indexing the config i.e correct data type. 4.5.We as a group we also asked to read more about parametric data types. 4.6.On the server side,we discussed to change our assumption of our Home operation and also not to assume to be void and to also think about parameters,what they are and their data type. 4.7.We also agreed that void and base clase will only be used on special circumstances. 4.8.We moved on to discuss about Access modifiers (public,private,protected).We agreed/asked to only indicate public methods and properties on our data model.Private methods can be combined to create simpler shorter functions 4.9.Abstract cannot be private 4.10.Moved the load_template to the page class 4.11.learnt how to write/create method signature 4.12.Mr.Muraya to continue with Mutall Namespace 4.13.We are to change the copy method??? A.O.B 1.A wall clock is to be hanged on the wall 2.Kitchen to be utilised 3.Charts representing the various projects to be put up around the room. chair :kaniu/mose sec:Solomon/Jeremiah Program:Lawrwnce/kimotho Prayer: Kibet