1.1. [x] Have a good template for allowing you to manage your content properly. You can investigate content management systems such as Drupal or Wordpress.
1.2. [x] Make the website attractive and easier to use. Add animation, use a background suitable for projection.
1.3. [x] Redesign the page to have a Navigation bar that will make the website easier to use. This way you will have a chance of engaging the users.
1.4. [ ] Include the Buy me a coffee idea to engage the visitors to your website.
1.5. [x] Move the navigation to the right, rather than on the left.
1.6. [ ] Include what the young men were taught, so that parents can have a point of reference and reinforce what was taught.
  1.6.1. [ ] Ask Mr.Muraya to get you the poster for the previous year and add some of the things they were taught or check the certificates handed out to the graduates to get the content taught.
1.7. [x] Layout the organizational chart(groups) in a horizontal manner to support more and more usages.
1.8. [ ] Organize the content into a simpler format .i.e, an excel sheet to support database integration(PK).
1.9. [ ] Develop a model for the data in preparation of saving the data into the database.
  1.9.1 [ ] Model the database based on the pages of the data you want to fetch


2.1. [x] Look at what Dennis and Kimotho were doing with regard to Real Estate.
  2.1.1. - Borrow the good Ideas from that project.
  2.1.2. - Get a feel of the data model and view the attributes that you might need.
2.2. [ ] Collect data from Dennis's forms which will give you a slight idea of how you will organize the data so that it can be helpful to both the buyer and the seller.
2.3. [ ] Interact with the surveyor (field work) to get a feel of how land data is collected and managed in order to develop a good mashamba website. Think about how you can manage the documents involved in transfer of ownership of lands.
  2.3.1. [x] Organize the data into excel sheets.
  2.3.2. [x] Develop a model for the files and folders.
  2.3.3. [ ] Develop a database and load the data to have a feel of how it will work(PM/PK).
  2.3.4. [ ] Have timeline for collecting the data from the field (JM).
  2.3.5. [ ] Implement the first draft of the Interface, that you will show to Nelson(PM).
  2.3.6. [ ] Add the link to the scanned documents in Google Drive(PM).
2.4. [ ] Provide complementary information about a parcel of land such as:
    - How far it is located from the main road.
    - Days they can take clients to view the land.
    - Proximity to social amenities such as schools and Hospitals.
    - Add information such as electricity and water.


3.1. [ ] Have  a good database to support all the data.
  3.1.1. [ ] Use the mutall_users.user table for login registration.
  3.1.2. [ ] Avoid colliding colors.
  3.1.3. [ ] Think about presenting the data collected from the gym in the form of a html which you will support the layout of more data as compared to the current chart view.
3.2. [ ] Develop a Good Webpage, Be more creative and include concepts/aspects of Fitness or a gym, even before you login.
  3.2.1. - [ ] You can add an animation of people working out.
3.3. [ ] Look at the Federated Login Services to support login such Firebase to support Google/Facebook login.
3.4. [ ] Go to the gym and Collect Data to improve your website.
  3.4.1. [ ] Visit the GYM to collect data in excel sheets with the goal of collecting the various metrics needed to present the data(PK).


4.1. [ ] Develop your hub with the premise of the Journal App. This will support you in the management of your day to day operations.


5.1. [x] Add the Documentation to the web, specifically into tracker, since it is designed to support new interns.
5.2. [x] Add the documentation for how to upload files and how to use fileZilla.
5.3. [ ] Clarify from the interns which sections of the documentation did not work and update the document the document.