- check how the code is arranged, check on the tags
- [ ]Add selector buttons to the portfolio
- Start with a checkbox to each entry in the portfolio
- [ ]Add event listener to each summary
- Try javascript for event listerner as a learning process.Do anything.
- [ ]seperate the content with view
- [x]Add a menu
- [x]choose a font - without serif
- [x]format the code
- [x]use colors
- [x]header not to scroll when your scrolling
- [ ]Give us your inputs, despite messing up, you can create a copy
- Monthly update on mutallrental
- Produce monthly invoice
CRM(client relationship management)
- [ ]Get directory of Oritech clients
- [ ]Client mapping to be under CRM
- [ ]Let the title be: Oritech: building a client management system
- [x]Show us what you gained from the events
- [x]Give us the colleges, charges and give a report
- [ ]Document the experience and services in the portal and what they do
General Input
- Try getting all your work on a excel to help the team give inputs