- [ ] Draft a sample of clients profile with all detail.
- [ ] show us how you disconnect and reconnect clients.
- [x] Mr. Muraya ana Mwaniki discussed about the system model which consists of nine table: client, site, subscriber, subscription, payment, allocation,package,installation and equipment.
- [x] Transfer the draft model to a bigger chart.
- [x] Install xampp on local machine.
- [x] Create two tables: client and site on the sample database.
- [x] Create a sample of a relationship between client and site and present to mr.Muraya.
- [x] Create a table named package on a bigger chart that consists of price (1500,2000,3000,3700,5000), type(bronze,silver,gold,premium), mbps (4,6,10,20,30), monthly(30 days).
- [x] Change serial number to customer id with 5 to 7 digits i.e 202201 or 331296.
- [x] Print a table with one client with all information.
- [x] use our current portfolio format.
- [x] Muli to help with the portfolio.