1.1. [x] Have a standard format for naming our minutes eg.. kibe20230419.md
1.2. [x] Have a days presentation minute under one md file.
1.3. [ ] Have a standardized styling for all the md files
1.4. [ ] Peter to help in developing the md template for the minutes.
2.1. [ ]Take up on Metavisio /Deployment project
3.1. [ ]Tell us where you would like to be 2 years from now-academic/postgraduate
3.2. [ ]Work on Sharon hub for your portfolio
3.3. [ ]Find a project that you are passionate with that might grow your career
4.1. [ ]Ranics carpark system to help work on Data quality:what is the quality of ranix data
4.2. [ ]Query : how could it be improved
4.3. [ ]Improve carpark wifi access by oritech
5.1. [ ]Minutes-Keep a register of anybody who presents a topic in any day(portfolio item/date/project/reason)