Diploma: Improving My Credentials
Nibs technical college
conveniently fits my preferences
Fee structure and Details about the school
Rise money for fees
set up a savings plan for a year
Set up an investment portfolio
Learn about different types of accounts and figure out which one is the most suitable for saving
Types of accounts
Money market fund
Time Management strategy
Nibs college offers evening classes which is very convenient for the tasks at hand
Create a personalized to-do list
Rentize : Prompt Production of Invoices
Monthly Update of Mutallrental
Check Water Readings
Upload Electricity Bills
Input Payments
Issuance of Credit+Debit Notes
Production of Monthly Invoices
Logging of Necessary Changes to the Software
Migrate Mutallrental from CO to DO
Youth Hub : Epowering The Youth
Build a blog
this will help adress pressing issues on a daily basis and also help connect counsellors to clients
This will help me create short entertainig and educative short clips that can be whats app status
This will be very helpful in advertisement of services and also educative quotes
Lets talk Mutall unfiltered Fridays
Cyber Cafe : Bringing IT Services Closer to Mutall Clients
Printing of invoices on request
Huduma services
N.H.I.F, K.R.A and other government services offered online
Help clients fix Hardware
Selling Computer Equipment
Oritech is a potential customer since they have to order internet installation gadgets from Nairobi which is time consuming