Class page, has all the necessary functions and methods that allow the user to manipulate data in an application from the UI (user interface). Its the home of all CRUD(create, review, update and delete) operations. With these improved operations, data manipulation can carried out by any user.
export class page extends<crud_result> {
// *Methods*.
async review()
async get_result(): Promise<crud_result>{}
public async edit_fk(button:HTMLButtonElement):Promise<void{}admin_parameters {}
static mark_as_edited(evt: Event|HTMLElement): void {}
static get current() {}
create_row(): void {}
async update_database() {}
public update_textarea_input(textarea:HTMLTextAreaElement) {}
public edit_textarea(input:HTMLInputElement) {}
async delete(): Promise<void> {}
public async unhide() {}
public hide() {}
public async merge():Promise<void>{}
public multi_select(btn:HTMLButtonElement) {}
public edit_click() {}
Constructs the class Page. Also initializes the properties of the object.
Allow a user to filter and order records in a theme panel.
Returns the current selection from this crud page.
Modify the foreign key field that matches the given button. The function is asynchronous because it waits for the user to select a new entry from the foreign key table's crud page.
A button event listener that adds an empty row below the current selection.
This is a listener for collecting and saving the affected tds, i.e. both new records and existing old tds, to the database. This is the UI component for the CRUD operations.
This is an on-blur event listener of the text-area, that updates the edited value to that of the input. In order to trigger the input`s on-change.
This an onclick event listener of the input element that activates the text area, for the user to start editing.
Removes the current record from both the screen and the database.
This method opens a popup, shows the columns that are already hidden and lets the user select the ones to be made visible.
This will hide the selected column by controlling the styling.
Merges the currently checked records in a database.
Toggles the checkbox at the primary td(table-data) allowing user to do multiple tr(table-row) selection.
This is a toggle switch that puts the page in edit or normal mode. When re-pressed, it switches back to normal mode.